It has long been known that Gothic fandom abroad it’s not only Poles, Germans, Czechs and Russians. This can be easily confirmed by the available translations of mods from the Steam Workshop for Gothic 1 and 2 or the other language versions of Gothicpedia. The recent appearance on the official Gothic Community server of additional channels dedicated to Romanian, Italian and Ukrainian language groups prompted our editorial team to delve deeper into the topic of smaller national Gothic fandoms that have left their noticeable mark on the world. We invite you on this extraordinary journey.
We begin our journey to the country where Gothic 1 Remake is currently being developed. Alkimia Interactive, a studio assigned by THQ Nordic to work on the renewed adventures of the Nameless Hero and his companions, is based in Barcelona. Unfortunately, Gothic in Spain is not as popular as in our part of Europe, so the active fandom is small. Internet creators are in the lead, so let’s focus on those worth mentioning.
Sasuke HOA is a YouTube channel dedicated primarily to recording gameplay of RPG games, including Gothic. In addition, he tries to discuss news about the upcoming remake. He was the first Spaniard in the fandom to start making videos about this RPG classic and is an inspiration to other creators who speak Pablo Picasso’s native language.
Diablero is a relatively new YouTube channel, but one that publishes some of the best analyzes of all parts of Gothica in Spanish on the entire Internet. He also creates content about other Eastern RPG games. The channel is constantly growing and gaining new viewers.
Spectro is the largest Spanish channel creating, among others: content related to the Gothic trilogy and more. He has created many gameplays and tutorials from this timeless game. He is constantly expanding his content by starting to stream Gothic on YouTube and recording audio clips from the game.
Skinny Gaming is a channel whose creator has been determined since February 2023 to deliver a new video related to the Gothic series every Monday. He unites the Gothic Community from Spain and beyond around his content on YouTube.
There is also a Spanish-language Gothic Clan forum, referred to as The great Hispanic community of lovers of the Gothic and Risen saga. Spanish-speaking players were also among the first to receive the localization of the Chronicles of Myrtana mod in October 2022.
The Italian Gothic Community was born in 2002. At that time, we had pne single Italian website and forum hosting the whole RPG community: The Elder Scroll, Neverwinter Nights, Icewind Dale, Might and Magic, Torment..and Gothic, of course. After the release of the second part of the adventures of the Nameless Hero, the Gothic series was appreciated so much in Italy that it finally had the first Italian-language forum and website fully dedicated to it – Gothic Italia.
It was the only website in Italy 100% focused on the Gothic series. When the last part of the Risen trilogy was released and Elexa was announced, the website’s administration decided to change the name to what it is currently known as – Piranha Bytes Italia. The advent of the era of social media has caused the Italian Gothic Community to also switch to other communication channels, such as the Facebook group or YouTube channel.
The group of people behind the website still makes every effort to keep fans of the series from Italy informed about the most important events related to the series.
The activities of this fandom also include translating mods, such as preparing Italian subtitles for The Chronicles of Myrtana.
Other modifications are also popular in this sunny country, such as the still being created Community Story Project, whose creators were interviewed by the PBI editorial team in 2023. The most popular creator of Gothic content on the internet from Italy is m4djoker, who became famous for completing the THQ Nordic Official Challenge, an interview with the creators of The Chronicles of Myrtana and the film You know you’ve played too much gothic if….
The largest concentration of Romanian Gothic fans can be found on the website Worldofgothic.ro and the Romanian-language forum connected to it. Also on World of Gothic România Facebook profile. In addition, the Romanian fandom can boast of the translation of Gothic 1, 2 and 3 into their national language, modders and a large group of online creators. We decided to introduce you to some of them.
Cyrus Reznik is a YouTube channel existing since 2013, whose creator had to stop recording videos due to changes in his life. He returned to regularly publishing films about Gothic after the news about the remake spread around the world in the summer of 2023. Since then, he has made a thorough analysis of the Gothic Remake – Official Cinematic Showcase Trailer, discussed the new cover of the title and started the What if… series with Gothic 1 Classic, where he does everything backwards.
Rukkard popularizes the Gothic series on Twitch and YouTube, where he creates gameplays, tutorials and uploads cutscenes from the game.
Malid, the Bard of Khorinis (World of Gothic) creates content based on all games released by Piranha Bytes. Recently, apart from gameplay and discussing news, he has expanded his content by writing and recording songs praising the wonder of the Gothic world.
Malid also runs a Facebook profile called World of Piranha Bytes with the same topic as his YouTube channel.
Goth-X-Gaming records Gothic gameplays and machinima.
thesummerofmark is a Romanian channel that reviews various games. Several episodes were about Gothic.
The Hungarian Gothic Community is quite small, but has its own website GothicFan, Facebook page Gothic játékok and Discord server. The most distinguished person in the Hungarian fandom is Wolframm, who is responsible for translating the mods into Hungarian and maintaining the official website. Together with his assistants, he prepares Hungarian subtitles for the Chronicles of Myrtana. Another distinguished person is the user W.B. runs a Facebook profile and records videos for the Gothicfanhu channel. He is also working on articles about Gothic Lore on GothicFan website.
More popular creators who also recorded videos about Gothic from Hungary on YouTube are:
Csorba Pallos
LaLee’s Games
Bence Mervay
Before Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24, 2022, Gothic fans from Ukraine were part of the Russian Gothic Community. Only after the outbreak of an open armed conflict did they decide to separate from the Russian one and create their own faction. Absence of Ukrainian location and the difficult socio-political situation of the country mean that this national group has not distinguished itself in any special way in the Gothica Community. Despite this, there are several outstanding Ukrainian creators such as: Новачок , Centurion Stream and LarMoV, who is also responsible for Eazy Gothic Machinima Mod, which speeds up and facilitates the creation of machinima in Gothic.
In the end, it is worth mentioning that the Gothic 1 Remake release has been confirmed on the official Steam game site with subtitles and an interface in various languages, including Far Eastern ones. Let’s hope that the game prepared by Alkimia Interactive studio will be an international success and will contribute to the growth of the fandom. Fandom of a series of games that, like no other, teach us that the most important thing in life is love for the homeland and another man.