The fourth interviewee in the Gothic Alpha interview series is Golden Master Team member Flatczer. He even told us about…

Gothic Alpha through the eyes of passionates pt 3: Alpha Researcher

Over the past 7 years, more than 200 recordings of early versions of Gothic have appeared on the Alpha Researcher channel…

Gothic Alpha through the eyes of passionates pt 2: Flosha

The second part of a series of interviews with Gothic Alpha passionates. This week I talk with Flosha, the creator of the Phoenix Tales project…

Gothic Alpha through the eyes of passionates pt 1: Psimek

The first part of a series of interviews with Gothic Alpha passionates. I conducted it with Psimek, who is in the process of creating a new video with…

How fans tried to map the entire island of Khorinis

Humanity has always been curious about the unknown. This curiosity pushes her to explore the world. The discoveries brought with…

Gothic VR – playing Gothic in Virtual Reality

Gothic VR is a community project that aims to make Gothic I and Gothic II playable in virtual reality. Do…

Not only Poland, Germany, the Czech Republic or Russia – Gothic fandom abroad

It has long been known that Gothic fandom abroad it’s not only Poles, Germans, Czechs and Russians. This can be…

Tenebris – the collection of Gothic modifications

Tenebris. The collection of modifications nearly unknown in Poland. In Czech and Slovakia known, especially because of a certain pre-release…

Outfaith and now Against All Odds – the interview with the creators

Outfaith. The modification is still known under this name in Poland, presented back in 2019 as a full overhaul project…